Lots of night time beaver action in this clip! Nudge Nudge wink wink See them devour huge stiff wood until nothing's left! Watch them gnaw the bark off thick hard logs.. careful with those teeth! Special guest appearances by several sultry Pussy cats. A playful pair of "Masked Bandits" have a little romp in front of the beavercam.. Lots of nasty wildlife in this flick!
Very interesting to see all those nocturnal critters hard at work in their natural environment.
Reviewer:Telephone Toughguy
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June 15, 2007 Subject:
Was this creatively named by a marketing firm for search engine optimization or what?
Nice footage.
Reviewer:Eva Vikstrom
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May 30, 2007 Subject:
Action in Beaverland
Did you doubt that wildlife in the Disney cartoons depicted real wildlife, in Oregon for example? In that case, watch this charming clip about a very busy beaver and his mates. There's not much more to add to Chuck Heron's own description, but to mention the good shots and editing. Highly recommended!